Wataynikaneyap Transmission Project
1800 Km of transmission line
Project Contractor
Mar 20th 2020 to
Mar 29th 2023
Falcon’s Estimated Value
Falcon manufacturing supplied approx. 15 million Lbs. (420,000 lbs/month) of
fabricated/galvanized steel, with no rework or quality issues as noted by the
customers 3rd party inspectors
Falcon had to contend with tight delivery schedules as to meet field installation
dates. Late deliveries were not acceptable due to high costs of field installation
downtime involving personal and helicopter usage. As well there was only a small
delivery window for the shipment on winter roads.
Some of the components supplied consisted of:
- Mast foundation bearing caps
- Deadman anchor structures
- Guy anchor plates
- Pile cap plates
- Mast foundations
- Tower alignment pins
- Tower anti-climb structures
- Pipe masts
- Dead end structures
- Disconnect switch steel
- Lightning masts
- High / Low bus structures
- Reactor containment steel